Notes from Nina

Each weekend I send out the schedule for the following week along with a quick update on all things Yoga with Nina G

Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Gathering Glimmers

Hello dear friends!

We seem to be in a tough news cycle again. Lots of election reporting that will continue until November and beyond. If the national news isn’t enough, there’s plenty of world news that can bring me down as well.

But then I thought of glimmers. As you may recall, a glimmer is a cue, either external or internal, that brings one back to a sense of joy or safety.

I was reminded of glimmers as I was teaching last week. Mid-way through each class, I’d pause for a moment and take a look in the room (or on the screen) and I was just overwhelmed by the knowledge that we were all practicing yoga together. Week after week we keep coming back to our mats and we keep sharing this experience of yoga.

And there was the glimmer.

Our small community of yoga practitioners is mighty. We have been exploring our practice together for several years now and our understanding of yoga keeps growing. We welcome new members into our community and they add to the love.

I love watching all of this happen. I love being a part of it.

There’s a lot in the news to bring us down. All of that negativity can be overwhelming. We need to keep our eyes open and look for the positive. Let’s gather our glimmers and acknowledge their power. Each little glimmer can add up, creating a beacon of light in a world that can be very dark.

Thank you for being one of my glimmers. Whether you are a regular in a Zoom class or at one of my live locations, thank you for joining me. And if you read my newsletter or watch my YouTube videos, thank you, too, for joining me.

All of you are glimmers in my life. Let's continue to shine brightly for everyone.

Love & light,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

The Yoga of March

Hello my friends!

It’s been a literal whirlwind lately! The winds just keep blowing here and while it was 70° and sunny on Tuesday, it was 32° and blustery this morning. The vernal equinox happens this Tuesday, officially shifting us into spring. More daylight is coming, but the weather forecast for the week still feels like winter. We know that warmth is on the way, just not today.

That’s March.

What kind of yoga can we practice in March?

Here are some ideas…

The yoga of hide and seek - I’ve seen daffodils and crocuses peeking through the ground. They might be hidden under a cover of snow this week but we know that they are there. Keep your eyes open for them and they may put a smile on your face.

The yoga of abs - As those winds blow around you ground yourself and lean into it. Engage those core muscles to keep you upright and don't fly away!

The yoga of anticipation - So many of the trees are in bud now. Yes, things will be delayed by the colder temperatures, but we know that soon there will be a riot of color and blossoms. Get ready to revel in the splendor around us.

The yoga of light - We are seeing more daylight now. Let's connect with it and make it our personal theme. Lightness can mean feeling buoyant, bright, fresh, and joyful. Let's welcome these sensations and get ready to share them with others. The more generous we are, the brighter we each become.

These are just a few fun reminders of how we can always be practicing whether we are on our mats or not. Yoga is not just about poses or balancing on one foot. It infuses our whole being with possibility and promise.

So does the month of March.

Please join me on your mat.

Love & light,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

News & Notes - March 2024

Hello my friends!

Here's the news for now:

NEW VIDEO - There's a new video on my YouTube channel - Yoga to Support Healthy Digestion. Healthy digestion is everything! This video explores finding balance within the body's systems.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGES - There will be no classes on Monday, March 25. There will be classes on Monday, April 1, the day after Easter.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - Yep, we all lost that hour last night. If you just can't make the morning class tomorrow, join me at 4:15 pm Central instead!

MARCH BLUSTER - As I write this, it is blustery and rainy outside. I am reminded of the children's book Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak:

In March the wind blows down my door
and spills my soup upon the floor.
It laps it up and roars for more.
Blowing once, blowing twice,
blowing chicken soup with rice.
— Maurice Sendak

Please join me on your mat.

Love & chicken soup,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Unexpected Advice

Hello dear friends,

I spent some time in Milwaukee on Saturday. We visited the historic Pabst Brewery and took a tour of a few of the original buildings. Whatever your current feelings are about Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, it was a major player in the Milwaukee beer industry.

The architecture is amazing - these castle-like buildings span several blocks in the city. If you saw them in a forest, you'd think you were in a fairy tale!

Photo by A Sigmund

As part of the tour, we visited the guest center tavern and had a pint of PBR. There were lots of quotes on the wall (in German) and one translated as follows:

Eat what is well done

Drink what is clear

Speak what is true

Love what is rare

Another wall said:

Do as the sundial, count only the bright cheerful hours.

Interesting and unexpected advice from a German beer maker!

Photo by A Sigmund

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend, wherever you were.

Please join me on your mat.


Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Leap Year Yoga

Time & tide wait for no man.
— Proverb

Hello friends,

It’s time to celebrate – we get an extra day this month!

When Thursday rolls around we have a leap day on the calendar this year. There were a lot of ancient civilizations (the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans) that worked to measure and create our calendar. It took centuries to create a system that tracked with the seasons. The quadrennial February 29th keeps everything in alignment so that the solstices and the equinoxes arrive in approximately the same timeframe each year.

By adding structure to our days and months - measuring time - humans became ‘civilized’. Our clocks and calendars allowed us to communicate more effectively across cultures on a consistent schedule.

Flora and fauna don’t follow the man-made calendar however. The calendar says February, but this year February is warmer than usual – my crocuses are starting to peek through the soil. I see buds on the flowering bushes. I hear the Canadian geese begin their mating rituals. I can smell spring even though the calendar is telling me it's still winter.

Nature ignores our 12-month calendar. The animals and plants follow the sensations around them and respond accordingly. With increased temperatures, spring might arrive earlier this year.

And that, my friends, is real world yoga - notice sensations and respond accordingly. We do this every time that we come to our mat and practice.

So, what can we do with our leap day this year?

Whatever we want. There’s no pressure to do anything fancy or special. Know that we’ve been gifted an extra day and when Thursday rolls around this week, you might take a moment to acknowledge the fact that our calendar works because of this end of month adjustment.

Then pause, consider how you feel, and proceed from there. Follow the example that we see in nature.

Real world yoga. Leap year yoga.

Please join me on your mat.

An extra day of love,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

The Art & Science of Yoga

Hello friends!

I spent some time at the Art Institute this weekend and found this quote:

Study the science of art; study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
— Leonardo da Vinci

I'm guessing that Leonardo was a yogi!

When I think about yoga, there's so much of it that is science. The anatomy of the bones and muscles moving and stretching; the process of the breath nourishing our body; the way that the brain manages and responds to all of the sensations. There's so much science behind what we do - this is the stuff that really grabs my interest. This is what keeps me studying. I know that yoga makes me feel better - I want to learn more about the how and the why behind our practice.

We can also look at the art of yoga - the way to combine the poses and the breath in just the right way to keep us interested and engaged. If we did the same sequences over and over again, we'd become bored and stop. If we did something completely out of our comfort zone, we'd get scared and back off. Finding that sweet spot of repetition and novelty helps to fuel the passion so that we want to return to our mats.

So if I wake up feeling achy and sore, I can find a sequence to ease my muscles and joints. If I'm anxious, I can practice to calm my nervous system. All systems go? I might try a few new ideas. As my yoga practice continues, I realize that there is synergy between the art and the science. This synergy is what helps to fuel connection.

When we practice yoga with our movement, breath, and focus, there's connection of mind and body. As our practice continues, we find a connection to our higher selves. At first, it might be just a glimpse, but over time, this connection becomes clearer. Eventually we see that we are all interconnected.

None of this happens overnight or in just one class. It is continued practice that helps us to uncover and discover these connections. It's not magic.

It is science. It is art.

It is so much more than either of those.

That's the power of yoga.

Love & yoga,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

News & Notes - February 2024

Hello friends!

I'm back from vacation and it's time for more yoga! Here's the news that you need to know.

NEW VIDEO - There's a new video available on my YouTube channel - Exploring Balance. We pay attention to shifts in the body as we play with different balancing poses. This is a short video (20 minutes) and it's a nice way to bring some easy movement and balance into your day.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Happy Year of the Dragon to my friends that celebrate the Lunar New Year. May 2024 be filled with happiness and joy. Enjoy your time with friends and family!

IT'S ALL ABOUT THE LOVE - We are celebrating Valentine's Day this week as well. Let us tune into the joy that is resident in our hearts.

Please join me on your mat.

Happiness & joy & love,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

The Yoga of January

Dear friends,

I thought that this poem might add a smile to your weekend...

Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November.
Unless a leap year is its fate,
February hath twenty-eight.
All the rest hath three days more,
excepting January,
which hath six thousand,
one hundred and eighty-four.
— - Brian Bilston

If you have been wintering in a frozen, snow-covered region, you might understand what this poet means. For my friends that are in warmer climes, I'm sure that you empathize with those of us that feel that January might last forever.

In the meantime, why not practice yoga? Here are some fun ideas!

The yoga of bundling up - being aware of each layer as you get ready to leave the house. You can spend a lot of time practicing this form of yoga!

The yoga of snow boots - that feeling of being grounded and connected to the earth.

The yoga of getting out of the car and walking in parking lots - being mindful of the icy/snowy surface beneath your feet, taking each step with intention.

While all of that is just fun, it is a reminder that we have so many ways to practice yoga!

We can also practice the following:

The yoga of gratitude - that feeling we have when we return to a warm home, a warm car, a warm embrace.

The yoga of service - taking time to support your neighbor, whether it's a call to check-in, an offer to help, or something shared.

The yoga of awe - noticing the power of the weather and the infinite cycle of the seasons.

Please join me on your mat. Let's practice the yoga of January together.

Love & yoga,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

News & Notes - January 2024

Hello my friends!

Here's the news...

NEW VIDEO - I have a new video on my YouTube channel - Pay Attention to the Breath. We use our breath to energize, to calm, and to strengthen. Give it a try!

And some notes!

MINDFUL MOVEMENT IN BAD WEATHER - We've had lots of snow, rain, and wind storms in the upper Midwest (and throughout the US) this weekend. Please be safe in your day-to-day movements. When we're on our mats, we practice mindfulness and moving with intention. Please do the same when going outside.

YOGA TO BUILD STRENGTH - I have been working with a resistance band in my personal yoga practice lately. It's an interesting addition to our list of props and I'd like to add it to our sequences when we practice together. My intention is to use resistance bands in some of our sequences beginning in February. It will be like all of our props, we will use them in certain poses on certain weeks. As always, we will have options in our practice if this does not serve your needs.

POEM, PRAYER, MANTRA - Finally...I hope that you are still reading, because this poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer is beautiful.

One Wish

bird of peace—
make of my heart
a nest

Stay warm!

Love & peace,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Pay Attention

Dear Friends,

It snowed late Friday evening, creating this beautiful wonderland outside my treehouse window.

Winter wonderland

As I began writing this on Saturday morning, it was quiet, peaceful, and absolutely lovely. The snow was heavy on the branches and there was a stillness all around. There was no wind, there were no squirrels jumping from branch to branch. No one was at the park. Everything seemed literally frozen in time.

For that moment, it was beautiful – I just kept staring out my window, enjoying the perfect scenery.

Once again, it seemed as if the earth was practicing yoga. We were at the end of an exhale and about to inhale again. I knew that when the inhale began, everything would change.

The quiet time would disappear. The people in the homes around me would wake up and go on about their day. Dogs would be walked. Kids would build snowmen. At some point the snow would drop off the branches. The beauty of this freshly fallen snow would quickly become slush and footprints.

I'm glad that I paid attention to that moment before it all changed. I know that there will be other beautiful moments outside my window (I've shared several with you!) and I'm glad that I was present for that one.

This week in our yoga practice we will be present with the power of our own breath. We can use our breath to transform. We can change our energy, we can build our strength, we can soften and relax. It all happens with the breath.

It is our breath that guides us. It lets us know when we are working too hard or when we have the capacity to go deeper. Our breath can energize us or relax us. It is our breath that changes us. It’s subtle but it is powerful. We can learn so much when we tune in and notice.

Each breath is a beautiful moment. Let's take some time to pay attention.

We're back to our regular schedule this week. Please join me on your mat.

Love & joy,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

The Possibility of Solstice

Hello my friends,

Ever so slightly, our days have begun to lengthen again. We're now at that point in the year where we are moving forward towards the light. We've completed this last revolution around the sun and we are beginning the next.

Think of it as a giant exhale from the earth and now the inhale begins again.

Yoga for our planet!

Our yoga teaches us to find that space between the inhale and the exhale, as well as the exhale and the inhale, and to be present there.

In this silence, in this stillness, we know that we can change direction or stay the course. We might explore tiny adjustments to our pose or we might settle in deeper. We have the opportunity to make that decision with each breath.

It's just a brief moment, but it is ripe with potential.

Anything is possible in this space.

We just need to decide what we want to do next.

No classes this week. Enjoy the break. Revel in the possibilities.

Love & hope,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

The Light of the Season

Hello dear friends!

This is it - we’re headed into the darkest days this week. The shortest day of 2023 will be this coming Thursday - just over 9 hours of daylight!

The darkness invites us to linger with it. And perhaps that’s what we should do. Stay in bed a few extra minutes each morning, if your schedule allows. Wait for the return of the light to begin your day. Head to bed a few minutes earlier each night to spend some extra time with the stillness, with the darkness.

After Thursday, the days will begin to get longer. The light is returning. It’s the same revolution every year. And every year, I am in awe of the change that is taking place.

There are lots of lights to be found – quite literally. Just driving down the street is a riot of twinkling and sparkling.

Our days get darker and we turn on more lights. It’s not a bad response.

Our yoga practice invites us to do more though. From within the stillness of our practice, we are able to connect with our true self and begin to make those tiny ripples of good that will help to change the world. This can happen regardless of the season, regardless of the hours of daylight.

This quote arrived in my inbox this week. It speaks perfectly to the season and to our practice.

Look for it in the wintertime, if you want to find The Light Of The Season — the real light, not the Hallmark one. Look for the location of resistance. Look for the darkness in which you can be a spark. Look for the opportunity to be bright, to light someone else’s way, to warm their hands, to shuttle them safely through the dark. Look for the crack you can fill or the shadow you can dispel by bringing a little bit of the light of resistance, carefully and tenderly, to just the place where it’s needed.
— S. Bear Bergman

While we wait for those longer days, we have the opportunity to be the 'light of the season'. Thank you for continuing to bring your light to where it is needed.

Love & Light,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Glimmers for the Grinch

Hello dear friends,

One of my favorite Christmas TV shows as a child was the animated How the Grinch Stole Christmas, narrated by Boris Karloff. It’s a great show based on the story by Dr. Seuss. I like the music, the rhythm and rhyme, and I love the story. It’s a classic redemption tale and I’m pretty sure that I’ve watched it every Christmas since it first aired in 1966 (including last week!)

And, as is my way, I thought that maybe the Grinch could be a little less ‘grinch-y’ if he practiced yoga. Obviously, he has some issues and triggers. The story mentions that it could be his heart or his shoes. It is clear that too much noise really sets him off!

Noise is definitely a trigger!

By the end of the story though, the Grinch changes. Something changes his heart and he celebrates Christmas with the Whos.

What changed his mind? What changed his heart? I’m going with a glimmer.

Glimmers are cues that cause the body to calm and relax. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers.

The glimmer for the Grinch was the sound of the Whos down in Whoville singing Welcome Christmas. Hearing the song gave him pause. It allowed him to soften and relax. It shifted his nervous system from fight or flight to rest and digest. We know that the song caused his heart to grow. At the end of the story – spoiler alert! – the Grinch is an honored guest celebrating Christmas with the Whos.

Our yoga practice gives us the space to look for the glimmers. It allows us the time to recognize those things, people, events, or places that help us to soften, to calm, and to relax. We all have glimmers – the Grinch’s glimmer was that particular song.

When we’re feeling particularly grinch-y, our glimmers might help us shift out of it. It might not be as dramatic a change of heart as the Grinch, but it's a shift nonetheless. It’s worth exploring.

If the Grinch had spent more time on his yoga mat, he could have identified his glimmers earlier. He could have saved all of that time stealing and then returning the presents. He could have enjoyed his time playing with his dog, Max, and making new friends with the Whos.

Of course, then it wouldn’t have been a Christmas classic!

Join me on your mat this week. Let’s find ease and calm together.

To my friends that are celebrating Hanukkah - Happy Festival of Lights!

Love & light,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

News & Notes - December 2023

"Within each of us there is a silence, a silence as vast as the universe. And when we experience that silence, we remember who we are.”

- Gunilla Norris

Dear friends,

There's lots of busyness clamoring for our attention in December, even as we head into the darkest days of the year. Take some time to find calm and quiet in the darkness.

In the meantime, here's what's happening this month.

NEW VIDEO - I'm calling this one a Yoga Break. It's a short practice (16 minutes!) to get you moving and bring you into the present moment. I'm not calling it 'chair yoga'...I'm calling it 'mat free' yoga. Give it a try!

SCHEDULE CHANGES - There are no classes this week. I'll be back the week of December 11th. Additionally, there are no classes between Christmas and January 1. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd. Watch this space for reminders and updates.

Find some silence this week. Revel in it.

I'll see you on the 11th.


Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Glimmers of Joy

Hello my friends!

One last Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope that you are enjoying this extended weekend with family and friends.

I received lots of feedback after last week's glimmer post, including this poem that was shared with me by two different people!


Joy does not arrive with a fanfare,
on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.

Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee,
watching the sun hit your favourite tree, just right.

And you usher joy away,
because you are not ready for it.
Your house is not as it must be,
for such a distinguished guest.

But joy cares nothing for your messy home,
or your bank-balance,
or your waistline, you see.

Joy is supposed to slither through the cracks of your imperfect life,
that’s how joy works.

You cannot invite her, you can only be ready when she appears.

And hug her with meaning,

because in this very moment,

joy chose you.

By: Donna Ashworth

My across-the-street neighbors have erected their giant Santa again. He brings me an abundance of joy each time I walk out the front door. There's a smile on my face every time I look at him.

Giant Santa

I hope to see you on your mat this week. Let's be ready for glimmers of joy.

Love & joy,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Glimmers of Gratitude

Hello Dear Friends,

There’s a relatively new term in psychology (coined in 2018) - it’s glimmer. We might understand glimmer as an unsteady light, but in psychology a glimmer is defined as a cue, either external or internal, that brings one back to a sense of joy or safety. It’s the opposite of a trigger, which is a cue that gives one a sense of fear or unease.

While you can’t control triggers, you are in charge of your glimmers. Your glimmers can be ANYTHING. It might be a favorite scent, it could be watching a sunset, listening to your favorite song, being with your best friend, or playing with your pet. The list is infinite.

A glimmer might be just a moment (think about that unsteady light), but the longer that we can keep our focus on the glimmer, the more effective we are at changing our state from fear to safety; from unease to joy.

I love this idea of a glimmer. It’s not a thing that you have to store or dust or even pay for, it’s just a thought or an idea. We all have glimmers; we can identify our glimmers and we can recall them when we are feeling removed from our sense of joy or safety. As we bring our attention to that glimmer, we can shift the nervous system and change how we feel. The breath will slow and the nervous system can shift from fight or flight to rest and digest.

As with all things related to our physical and mental health, there are no quick fixes. But finding and identifying our glimmers is one good way to start. How can we do that?

The mindfulness of yoga.

We have been practicing the yoga of gratitude this month, creating mental pictures of those things for which we are grateful. Let's take that a step further this week and notice if anything in that picture will serve as a glimmer.

Then, if things start to swirl out of our control, we know where to go to bring ourselves back to a sense of calm, a sense of joy, a sense of safety.

It's a glimmer. It's your glimmer.

With best wishes for a peaceful and loving holiday weekend.

Love & gratitude,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

News & Notes - November, 2023

Dear Ones,

Here's what's happening!

NEW CHAIR YOGA VIDEO - There's a new chair yoga video out - Grounding & Balance. It's a short video that lets us practice finding and feeling connection even when things seem to be swirling around us. All you need is your chair and you're all set! Give it a try.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGES - There will be no yoga on Wednesday evening, November 22nd. Also there will be no yoga the week of December 4th. Stay tuned to this newsletter for reminders and updates.

THE YOGA OF GRATITUDE - As the holidays approach, schedules get busier and more complicated. There's lots of planning, organizing, cleaning, and maybe even some cooking and baking. It can be a lot! Let's not forget to take time to center ourselves in our yoga practice. It's another great way to prepare for time with family and friends.

Please join me on your mat.

With love & gratitude,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

The Yoga of Gratitude

Hello my friends!

We're in November and we all had an extra hour of sleep last night. Life is good!

I love to practice the yoga of gratitude in November. In addition to the 4th Thursday, I like to spend these shorter blustery days with that 'attitude of gratitude'.

How will that manifest itself in our practice? As always, it starts with the breath. The breath is the gateway to our nervous system and we will use the breath to both nourish and calm us. As we continue our centering practice, we will create a gratitude picture in our mind. As we move through the grounding sequences and poses, we will have time to welcome and explore the sensations that we're feeling.

When class is over, we can take that feeling of appreciation with us. It might translate into more happiness, more awareness, and even more joy, in our day-to-day experiences.

Gratitude begets kindness and, wow, the world sure could use some more kindness. So please join me on your mat (or in your chair!) this month, and let's change the world together.

I am so thankful for all of you.

Love & gratitude,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

The Beauty We Love

Hello my friends,

It's been another horrifying week of news. Once again I am reminded that there are people in our nation and our world that wake up worried and frightened every day.

How can we change that for them? How can we change that for all of us?

I found this poem by Rumi - perhaps something to consider.

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.

​Let the beauty we love be what we do.

There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

— Rumi

I think that the ancient mystic is saying that we need to be aware of the news, but not consumed by it. Amidst all of this fear and ugliness, we need to create the beauty we love.

Beauty can ease heartbreak.

Beauty brings hope.

Beauty will help the world to heal.

Love & beauty,

Nina G

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Nina Ginocchio Nina Ginocchio

Love & Awe

Listen with your heart, you will understand.

- Disney’s Pocahontas

My dear friends,

I had a hard time coming up with a newsletter this week. I usually look at what’s happening in the news, in the weather, or on the calendar. I might find a poem or quote that I want to share. But this week, each time that I sat at my computer I was frustrated with what I was writing. I was overwhelmed by all of the sadness and hatred happening right now. You don’t need my take on current events, the news outlets have that covered.

Yep, there’s a lot of terrible stuff happening right now. I can’t ignore it. I also know that I can’t fix everything that’s wrong with the world, our government, or the environment.

It feels too overwhelming.

So I decided to write what I know about instead. Yoga.

Yoga reminds us that we are all interconnected. Our time on the mat teaches us to connect body, mind, and breath. From those connections within, we are able to connect to our higher selves, our greater selves. And then with our community and our world.

We are focused on the yoga of awe this month. That idea of being very present and aware. Let’s continue that practice. When we're experiencing awe, we might feel small and insignificant when confronted with something so awe-filled. This is the place where we begin to understand that we’re all connected to something bigger, something more important. This is the place where we can start to work towards a common outcome. This is the place where we can begin to make changes.

We are not helpless. We can continue to take tiny steps to change things. We can offer kindness; we can send those ripples of love out into the universe. It's never easy, but each step that we take can make a difference. Whether we use our checkbook, our words, or our actions, we can change the world around us.

And then the overwhelming feeling can be subdued.

Awe demands our presence.

Be present.

Be aware.

Be in awe.

Love & Awe,

Nina G

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