News & Notes - December 2023

"Within each of us there is a silence, a silence as vast as the universe. And when we experience that silence, we remember who we are.”

- Gunilla Norris

Dear friends,

There's lots of busyness clamoring for our attention in December, even as we head into the darkest days of the year. Take some time to find calm and quiet in the darkness.

In the meantime, here's what's happening this month.

NEW VIDEO - I'm calling this one a Yoga Break. It's a short practice (16 minutes!) to get you moving and bring you into the present moment. I'm not calling it 'chair yoga'...I'm calling it 'mat free' yoga. Give it a try!

SCHEDULE CHANGES - There are no classes this week. I'll be back the week of December 11th. Additionally, there are no classes between Christmas and January 1. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd. Watch this space for reminders and updates.

Find some silence this week. Revel in it.

I'll see you on the 11th.


Nina G


Glimmers for the Grinch


Glimmers of Joy