The Art & Science of Yoga

Hello friends!

I spent some time at the Art Institute this weekend and found this quote:

Study the science of art; study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
— Leonardo da Vinci

I'm guessing that Leonardo was a yogi!

When I think about yoga, there's so much of it that is science. The anatomy of the bones and muscles moving and stretching; the process of the breath nourishing our body; the way that the brain manages and responds to all of the sensations. There's so much science behind what we do - this is the stuff that really grabs my interest. This is what keeps me studying. I know that yoga makes me feel better - I want to learn more about the how and the why behind our practice.

We can also look at the art of yoga - the way to combine the poses and the breath in just the right way to keep us interested and engaged. If we did the same sequences over and over again, we'd become bored and stop. If we did something completely out of our comfort zone, we'd get scared and back off. Finding that sweet spot of repetition and novelty helps to fuel the passion so that we want to return to our mats.

So if I wake up feeling achy and sore, I can find a sequence to ease my muscles and joints. If I'm anxious, I can practice to calm my nervous system. All systems go? I might try a few new ideas. As my yoga practice continues, I realize that there is synergy between the art and the science. This synergy is what helps to fuel connection.

When we practice yoga with our movement, breath, and focus, there's connection of mind and body. As our practice continues, we find a connection to our higher selves. At first, it might be just a glimpse, but over time, this connection becomes clearer. Eventually we see that we are all interconnected.

None of this happens overnight or in just one class. It is continued practice that helps us to uncover and discover these connections. It's not magic.

It is science. It is art.

It is so much more than either of those.

That's the power of yoga.

Love & yoga,

Nina G


Leap Year Yoga


News & Notes - February 2024