Unexpected Advice
Hello dear friends,
I spent some time in Milwaukee on Saturday. We visited the historic Pabst Brewery and took a tour of a few of the original buildings. Whatever your current feelings are about Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, it was a major player in the Milwaukee beer industry.
The architecture is amazing - these castle-like buildings span several blocks in the city. If you saw them in a forest, you'd think you were in a fairy tale!
Photo by A Sigmund
As part of the tour, we visited the guest center tavern and had a pint of PBR. There were lots of quotes on the wall (in German) and one translated as follows:
Eat what is well done
Drink what is clear
Speak what is true
Love what is rare
Another wall said:
Do as the sundial, count only the bright cheerful hours.
Interesting and unexpected advice from a German beer maker!
Photo by A Sigmund
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend, wherever you were.
Please join me on your mat.
Nina G