The Yoga of March
Hello my friends!
It’s been a literal whirlwind lately! The winds just keep blowing here and while it was 70° and sunny on Tuesday, it was 32° and blustery this morning. The vernal equinox happens this Tuesday, officially shifting us into spring. More daylight is coming, but the weather forecast for the week still feels like winter. We know that warmth is on the way, just not today.
That’s March.
What kind of yoga can we practice in March?
Here are some ideas…
The yoga of hide and seek - I’ve seen daffodils and crocuses peeking through the ground. They might be hidden under a cover of snow this week but we know that they are there. Keep your eyes open for them and they may put a smile on your face.
The yoga of abs - As those winds blow around you ground yourself and lean into it. Engage those core muscles to keep you upright and don't fly away!
The yoga of anticipation - So many of the trees are in bud now. Yes, things will be delayed by the colder temperatures, but we know that soon there will be a riot of color and blossoms. Get ready to revel in the splendor around us.
The yoga of light - We are seeing more daylight now. Let's connect with it and make it our personal theme. Lightness can mean feeling buoyant, bright, fresh, and joyful. Let's welcome these sensations and get ready to share them with others. The more generous we are, the brighter we each become.
These are just a few fun reminders of how we can always be practicing whether we are on our mats or not. Yoga is not just about poses or balancing on one foot. It infuses our whole being with possibility and promise.
So does the month of March.
Please join me on your mat.
Love & light,
Nina G