News & Notes - March 2024
Hello my friends!
Here's the news for now:
NEW VIDEO - There's a new video on my YouTube channel - Yoga to Support Healthy Digestion. Healthy digestion is everything! This video explores finding balance within the body's systems.
UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGES - There will be no classes on Monday, March 25. There will be classes on Monday, April 1, the day after Easter.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - Yep, we all lost that hour last night. If you just can't make the morning class tomorrow, join me at 4:15 pm Central instead!
MARCH BLUSTER - As I write this, it is blustery and rainy outside. I am reminded of the children's book Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak:
Please join me on your mat.
Love & chicken soup,
Nina G