News & Notes - November, 2023

Dear Ones,

Here's what's happening!

NEW CHAIR YOGA VIDEO - There's a new chair yoga video out - Grounding & Balance. It's a short video that lets us practice finding and feeling connection even when things seem to be swirling around us. All you need is your chair and you're all set! Give it a try.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGES - There will be no yoga on Wednesday evening, November 22nd. Also there will be no yoga the week of December 4th. Stay tuned to this newsletter for reminders and updates.

THE YOGA OF GRATITUDE - As the holidays approach, schedules get busier and more complicated. There's lots of planning, organizing, cleaning, and maybe even some cooking and baking. It can be a lot! Let's not forget to take time to center ourselves in our yoga practice. It's another great way to prepare for time with family and friends.

Please join me on your mat.

With love & gratitude,

Nina G


Glimmers of Gratitude


The Yoga of Gratitude