The Yoga of Gratitude

Hello my friends!

We're in November and we all had an extra hour of sleep last night. Life is good!

I love to practice the yoga of gratitude in November. In addition to the 4th Thursday, I like to spend these shorter blustery days with that 'attitude of gratitude'.

How will that manifest itself in our practice? As always, it starts with the breath. The breath is the gateway to our nervous system and we will use the breath to both nourish and calm us. As we continue our centering practice, we will create a gratitude picture in our mind. As we move through the grounding sequences and poses, we will have time to welcome and explore the sensations that we're feeling.

When class is over, we can take that feeling of appreciation with us. It might translate into more happiness, more awareness, and even more joy, in our day-to-day experiences.

Gratitude begets kindness and, wow, the world sure could use some more kindness. So please join me on your mat (or in your chair!) this month, and let's change the world together.

I am so thankful for all of you.

Love & gratitude,

Nina G


News & Notes - November, 2023


The Beauty We Love