Yoga is Everywhere

Dear Friends,

We were driving home from the city this past week and there was a bicyclist on the road in front of us. We were stopped at a light (as was he) and he remained balanced with both feet on the pedals of the bike. It looked like he had a heavy backpack on, it was super-hot out, but he was able to maintain his balance in stillness. I marveled at his focus and his core strength.

Then I decided that he was actually practicing yoga.

Once the traffic light turned green, the cyclist began pedaling again and the momentum that he created from the forward motion kept him upright easily. He was no longer a yogi, just a guy commuting by bike, weaving in and out of traffic.

When we practice yoga, we work with that same focus, stability, and balance. We’re on our mats, using those same concepts to keep us upright without momentum or extra support. We can continue that practice, even after we step off our mats, even if we’re riding a bicycle.

Yoga is everywhere. I love finding it in the most unexpected places!

Please join me on your mat and we can find some together.


Nina G


Stay Cool


News & Notes - July, 2022