Stay Cool

Just play it cool boy, real cool.
— Cool - West Side Story

Dear Friends,

We’re bracing for some hot days ahead. I think we need to be cool. Not just temperature-wise, but there are lots of definitions of cool…

When you talk about cool in terms of temperature, you mean a fairly low temperature, but not cold. The meteorologists also use it as a relative term. Especially if it gets into the 90s, then a night in the 80s seems cool.

If you’re using cool to describe a person, that might mean showing self-control…someone can be a cool negotiator. You might be cool as a cucumber – calm and self-composed. Cool, calm and collected is something we all strive to be.

Wanna talk about jazz? Cool jazz is restrained and relaxed. Talking to someone that’s over excited? Cool it means to take it down a notch or two. The song from West Side Story that I quote above refers to that meaning.

And what about the cool kids? That's the in-group, those that are always in fashion and setting the trends.

You can keep your cool and, unfortunately, you can also lose your cool.

It’s a fun dive into our language. We can use the word in lots of ways.

This week we’ll explore this idea of cool in our yoga practice. Physically, we will move with smooth and graceful movements so that we won’t overexert and get too hot. But we’ll also take the time to notice emotions that are hot (anger, hatred, frustration, resentment, anxiety) and try to cool those off as well.


All the cool people practice yoga. Please join me on your mat and we'll be cool together!

Keep cool,

Nina G


The Space in Between


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