The Space in Between

Hi Friends!

Have you ever watched a trapeze artist? There’s the moment when they let go of the bar that they’re swinging on and reach for the arms/hands of the person that catches them. In that space between the two supports it’s just momentum that keeps them in the air. And when the catcher catches them, we all breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s that space in between, that fraction of a second, that takes our breath away.

Circus Arts Conservatory

Those spaces exist everywhere. We don’t often notice them. We see matter and finite conditions or things. We move between tasks and to do lists as time moves forward. We don’t pay attention to the spaces in between things and activities because, as humans, that has never been our focus. It is hard for us to comprehend the vastness of these spaces.

There is space between objects.

There is space between breaths.

There is space between thoughts.

This is where our yoga practice leads us.

When we practice, we pause and notice sensation. We make space for ourselves. Sometimes we pause after a sequence to notice the effect on the body. Sometimes we even pause between sides of a pose. These pauses force us to pay attention to the space in between. We have the opportunity to learn something here. Perhaps to notice a moment that takes our breath away.

Please join me on your mat. Let's explore those in-between spaces together.


Nina G


To Infinity & Beyond!


Stay Cool