Roy Kent & Yoga

Hey friends!

I don't watch a lot of 'must see' TV, but I do watch Ted Lasso on Apple TV+. It's upbeat, incredibly funny, poignant, well-written…the list goes on and on. It’s definitely worth my time. For those of you that don’t watch it, Ted Lasso is an American football coach who has relocated to England to coach soccer. He doesn’t understand anything about soccer and hilarity ensues.

One of the players on his team is Roy Kent. Roy had been a top player in the league for a long time and he might be past his prime now. He suffered a few injuries and he's slower than most of his younger teammates. Some of the players call him granddad. Roy is always angry, always swearing, and really not fun to be around. He's very self-assured and doesn't care what anyone thinks about him. In his spare time, Roy practices yoga.

Based on the few references to his yoga practice, it doesn't appear to be hot and sweaty yoga but it looks like it's slow-moving, mindful yoga. He doesn’t tell many people about it, but he practices regularly with a bunch of 60-year-old women. When the practice is over, they all watch some British reality TV while drinking rose. Roy doesn't miss his yoga for anything. It’s wonderful!

When he's off his mat, Roy is his usual cranky and cantankerous self, but he keeps going back. I think that he gets glimpses of his softer side and wants to explore it more. I wonder about the back story on his joining the yoga class. What opened him up to the idea of practicing yoga? Whatever it was, it had to have been a powerful force to convince this elite athlete to slow down and get in touch with his inner self.

That's what we're trying to do on our mats. We take a break from the busy day-to-day stuff and check in with the body, the breath and the mind. Whether we're elite athletes, woefully out of shape, or somewhere in between, mindful yoga can serve all of us. We can all have a meaningful practice.

This week our practice will center on our own openness. We’ll explore the concept of being open to growth – growth in our practice and in our lives.

Please join me on your mat.

I do yoga with a group of women in their 60s, they have no idea who I am, it's twice a week and it's really good for my core. - Roy Kent

Monday, August 2 - 8:15 am - Slow Flow with Nina G (The link will be out soon!)

Wednesday, August 4 - 7:30 pm - Movement and Stillness

Wednesday, August 4 - 2:00 pm - Park Ridge Public Library Chair Yoga - Zoom LIVE. I'll be subbing this class on Zoom. There are still spaces available. Visit the library's website to sign up or call the library at 847-825-3123 for more information.

Chair Yoga Video - Calming Breath


Nina G


Connect to the Infinite


Calming Breath