Calming Breath

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.
~ St. Mother Teresa

Hello my friends,

I hope that you had a wonderful week - mine was interesting. My theme last week was to close the umbrella and to open ourselves to the gifts around us. Experience the yoga. I know - sometimes that gets a little bit too 'woo woo'. But I had some interesting feedback last week, when I least expected it.

I had a new student join me in my chair yoga class. She had done a few yoga classes in the past, but she felt like they were too hard. I asked that she be patient and give my class a try. It was very interesting to watch the change in her from the beginning of the class to the end. The tension that was evident in her head, neck, and shoulders visibly disappeared as the class progressed. When class was over, I asked how she felt and her answer was 'calm'.

And that's why I do this.

I want us to be able to find the calm despite all of the other things that are going on in our lives. This is why I'm practicing and teaching yoga for the nervous system and not 'kick your butt' yoga or 'beach body' yoga. This yoga of mindfulness can help us when we feel disconnected from our selves, from our community, from our higher power.

Yoga doesn't have to be complicated. We don't have to do handstands or wrap our ankles behind our ears. We bring our attention to our breath and our movement. The quote above made its way to my media feed last week. I'd like to paraphrase St. Mother Teresa and say 'we shall never know all the good that a simple breath can do.'

So that's what we'll do this week. We'll use our breath to help us find our sense of calm.

Please join me on your mat. And if you know someone else that might need to find that sense of calm, please invite them to join us as well.

Monday, July 26 - 8:15 am - Slow Flow with Nina G (The link will be out soon!)

Wednesday, July 28 - 7:30 pm - Movement and Stillness

Chair Yoga - Experience

Love, always love,

Nina G


Roy Kent & Yoga


Giving & Receiving