Connect to the Infinite

When we try to pick out anything by itself,
We find it hitched to everything else in the universe.

- John Muir

Hello dear friends,

I went for a walk at the zoo this weekend and this quote was in the buffalo habitat. John Muir wrote it over 100 years ago and it's still true today.

Simple, direct, complete...we're all connected.

Let's imagine that we are each a drop of water in the ocean. Connected, working together, moving with the tides, rising and falling with the water cycle. Each one important but each one so small. Infinite in number and so much more powerful together.

We talk about yoga being the union of body, mind, and breath and we practice that each week. But let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture. What if yoga is the union of body, mind, and breath, as well as the union of the self to the greater good? How do we connect with all of those other drops of water in the ocean? Can we practice this sense of oneness and connection both within and without? Interesting ideas to explore on our mats.

This week our practice returns to healthy aging - utilizing our yoga to help us age well so that we can continue to build those connections. We will move slowly and deliberately, paying close attention to the movement. We will keep the spine safe and work to strengthen the body. In previous classes we identified 4 components of healthy aging: strength, flexibility, balance and agility. Strength is the basis for all of these components. Without strength we can't balance or be agile or flexible.

Strengthening our bodies, strengthening our awareness.

Let's connect to the infinite.

Join me on your mat.

Important scheduling news:

I will be traveling this week - heading East, connecting with family. This Wednesday class is cancelled as well as next Monday, August 16. Watch this newsletter for updates.

Monday, August 9 - 8:15 am - Slow Flow with Nina G (The link will be out later this evening.)

Wednesday, August 11 - 7:30 pm - NO CLASS THIS WEDNESDAY!!

Chair Yoga Video - Open to Growth

Infinite love,

Nina G


Flexibility in Yoga


Roy Kent & Yoga