Only Love

Dear Friends,

I took this photo while traveling in Mendoza, Argentina. This beautiful mosaic, all colorful and happy, was right in the street. Everyone who walked by or drove down the street could see those balloons and those smiling faces and read the message.

It translates to “Only Love Will Change the World”.

This week, I’ve been watching the news out of Turkey and Syria. The earthquakes have been devastating. The death toll keeps rising. It’s very sad news.

The news also talks about those volunteers who are helping to dig through the rubble. There are doctors, nurses, and service workers streaming into the area to help. People here in the states and in other countries throughout the world are marshalling resources to send into the ravaged area.

These are acts of love. My guess is that they are born of a sense of helplessness. People want to help, but can’t undo the damage, so they reach deep into their hearts and act from love. This love can’t erase the devastation, but we see that it can make a difference. Their actions bring moments of joy into a place of deep sadness and overwhelming grief.

The pictures out of Syria and Turkey are not heart-shaped balloons and smiling faces, but they are showing us a different aspect of love. We see a love of right action and sacrifice and hard choices.

Maybe this Tuesday (Valentine’s Day), love will look like heart-shaped balloons and flowers and chocolate. That’s wonderful! I love the artwork in the photo above, but I think that love is much more than that. Love is bigger than that, love is tougher than that, and it’s definitely much more powerful.

Only love will change the world.

Please join me on your mat.

Only love,

Nina G


News & Notes - February 2023


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