Coming Home

Travel does not exist without home...
If we never return to the place we started, we would just be wandering, lost.
Home is a reflecting surface, a place to measure our growth and enrich us after being infused with the outside world.
— Josh Gates, Destination Truth

Dear friends,

I'm back!! I had a wonderful trip and I saw so many amazing places. I loved it.

The morning that I left on vacation, I went up to my treehouse room and practiced yoga. It's what I do! I moved and stretched and breathed and focused so that I could deal with the rigors of air travel with calm and grace. Did it help? Certainly! Was I a model of calm and grace? Probably not, but it was a lot better than if I hadn't practiced!

Each day, in a variety of hotel rooms, I practiced yoga. It wasn't a big practice - some days it was just a little cat and cow - but it got me moving and ready to explore.

I saw places and sites that I never expected to visit; I ate food from many different cuisines; I drank a lot of wine! I woke up early, I stayed up late. I saw beautiful art, incredible dance, and unusual nature. And every day, I was able to find a sense of home again in my handful of yoga poses, my breath, my focus.

That's me, doing mountain pose (tadasana) in the Andes mountains in Chile! (photo by A Sigmund)

And now, I'm really back home. I'm up in the treehouse, right back where I started. I get the opportunity to consider all that I learned.

I witnessed so much about the interconnectedness of our economies, our resources, and our people. We heard a lot about the political, environmental, and social issues in South America. These are very similar to the ones that we deal with here in the US. Everything just kept reminding me that we're so much more alike than we are different.

Yep, I was away travelling, and now I'm back home. It's time to reflect.

Please join me on your mat. We'll find home in our practice.

Con amor y paz,

Nina G


Only Love


Rivers of Joy