News & Notes - October 2022

How to stop time: kiss.
How to travel in time: read.
How to escape time: music.
How to feel time: write.
How to release time: breathe.
— Matt Haig

Hello my friends!

The quote above is thought-provoking and I think it may be true.

In our yoga practice, the only time that matters is the present moment. What we do on our mats helps to bring us into that space and (hopefully) keeps us there throughout the practice. And as we continue to practice our yoga both on and off the mat, I hope that we can tune into that present moment more easily.

Here's the news you need to know:

1. A new chair yoga video is now available on my YouTube channel. This one is fun for Halloween. Give it a try!

2. There are no changes to the class schedule this month. Please join me on your mat.

3. Speaking of time, October marks 11 years now that I've been teaching yoga. Thank you to all of my WONDERFUL students for your support and encouragement. Thank you for practicing with me. And to all of my newsletter readers who may not yet practice with me, thank you for reading and joining me on this journey as well.

You know I love all of you!

Nina G


Bears & Yoga


Healing Yoga