Healing Yoga

Hi Friends!

This has been a literal whirlwind of a week with Hurricane Ian hitting Cuba, Florida, and South Carolina. The remnants of the storm are trickling inland now. Everyone that I know has friends or family somewhere in the Southeast. We all have a connection there.

Hurricanes are big news. We hear all about them and get lots of chances to offer help. That's the reality of living in this connected world. We learn that others are hurting and we can offer our help.

Sometimes though, we don't know when our neighbors are hurting. It doesn't make the news. It might just be someone that's lonely or ill.

Years ago, I offered a class called 'Healing Yoga'. It was intended to be a slow, mindful class that gave students the opportunity to connect with the self. There was confusion about the class name though, and a few people thought that you needed to be diagnosed with a chronic disease or serious illness to attend.

A lovely young individual stopped me one day and asked if it was okay if she attended the class. She didn't suffer from any major ailments. I explained that we all need healing and that she was welcome to join the class. And she did.

We don't always know what others are dealing with. Their issues may not make the evening news - they might not even be visible to our eyes. But everyone is dealing something. We all need healing.

That's another reality of living in this connected world.

Our yoga offers us the chance to connect with the self and to begin healing. Yoga isn't a miracle cure, but it offers the body an opportunity to rest. It helps us to reduce stress and agitation, and to come back to that sense of balance. We can explore our breath and our movement. Yoga invites us to connect the mind, body, and spirit.

Join me on your mat as we begin to heal together.


Nina G

If you are looking for ways to help our friends and neighbors in the Southeast, here are links to two organizations helping in that area.

American Red Cross helps those affected by disasters.

World Central Kitchen (headed by Chef Jose Andres) is feeding those in need all over the world right now.

Let's also offer help to our friends and neighbors around us that might also be in need. Let's reach out to them in kindness.


News & Notes - October 2022

