Bears & Yoga

Hi friends!

I kept hearing about Fat Bear Week this past week. Apparently, this competition has been around for a few years now to raise awareness of the brown bear population in Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska. Each year voters pick their favorite bear from about 12 that have been highlighted for the contest.

The before and after photos of the bears as they get ready to hibernate are amazing. The bears do what they are meant to do - they are being authentic to their nature. They need to pack on the pounds prior to settling down for the winter. There are webcams that follow the bears as they catch and eat all of the salmon that they can to prepare their bodies for the long, cold winter. When the bears wake up again in the spring (hundreds of pounds lighter) they will resume their daily activities of wandering throughout the preserve and eating salmon.

The annual contest is "a way to celebrate the resilience, adaptability and strength of Katmai's brown bears," according to the Katmai website.

Hmmmmm. Resilience, adaptability and strength with authenticity. It sounds a lot like a yoga practice.

Bears & yoga.

In other bear news, the Chicago Bears have brought a yoga instructor into their practices these past two weeks. The quarterback, Justin Fields, says that it has helped his play and helped him remain relaxed. And while that hasn't translated into a win on the field quite yet, let's remember that yoga isn't an overnight cure or a magic pill. It's a long term commitment to your self.

In a quote on the Chicago Bears website the QB says, "I don't even like doing pregame speeches because I feel like I'm so much calmer than everybody else. When the defensive guys are all juiced up ready to go, I just try to stay chill the whole time."

Hmmmmm. Remaining relaxed, calm, chill. All the things that yoga can do for us.

Bears & yoga.

Such an interesting combination!

This week in our practice, we'll work to develop our resilience and strength while maintaining that inner calm. Just like our friends the bears/Bears.

Please join me on your mat.

Love & yoga,

Nina G


Inner Calm


News & Notes - October 2022