News & Notes - July 2023

Hello Dear Friends!

Here's what's happening in July:

NEW CHAIR YOGA VIDEO - Last month we worked the top of the body (Head & Neck), this month we're starting at the bottom - Feet & Ankles. We explore movement in the feet and ankles to help us maintain balance and movement as we continue to grow with grace.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGE - No morning class on Monday, July 31. Join me at 4:15 CT instead. It's the same class as my 8:30 am class, but you get to sleep in!

LAZY, HAZY, CRAZY - The weather here and around the world has been crazy this summer. The haze from the Canadian forest fires is back and we've gotten a lot of rain recently as well. I recalled the quote that I included in my newsletter in June...

Where summer settles best is in the soul. In the part of you that remembers not to worry for the moment. To soothe the long ragged edges. To breathe. - Barbara Mahany

Give yourself a moment of freedom from worry. Let's let go of the crazy and the hazy and lean into the lazy. Our time on the mat can give us a break from the constant barrage of breaking news. Then when we step off the mat, we are better equipped to take right action and respond.

Join me on your mat. Let's breathe together.

Love & happiness,

Nina G


Uncommon Yoga


Just 60 Minutes