Uncommon Yoga

Hello my friends!

I hope that you had a wonderful week and are ready for this final full week of July.

As always, our yoga practice continues this week. I’m so glad to be a part of your busy schedule! Last week we released tension in the upper back and shoulders. This week we’ll work with both strength and mobility in that same area. It's a different approach, but still the upper back and shoulders.

The same, but different.

For those of you that have been practicing yoga for a while, you know that we often come into the same pose with each practice. For instance, most of my classes include a Warrior I and a Warrior II. We repeat poses week after week. Sometimes we even repeat them in the same hour. Each time that we step into a warrior pose (or any pose!), we're having a brand new experience though.

To a non-yogi, it might seem repetitive and commonplace.

But it’s never exactly the same. Our cells in our bodies are constantly regenerating and changing. We work and move our bodies in our day-to-day activities. We interact with our world physically, intellectually, and emotionally. As yogis, we know that each time that we step onto the mat we will have a distinct and unique experience.

That's what keeps me coming back to my practice. Maybe that's why you return too. We come back to those same poses that we do time and time again. We come into the pose and we take that moment to pause and notice who we are and how we are today.

The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yoga is anything but repetitive and commonplace. We take the time to pay attention and be mindful in our practice. We might feel tingly, sparkly, or somehow different this time. We might learn something special about ourselves. We might have an insight. We might find something sacred.

Perhaps we'll see the miraculous in the common.

It’s yoga.

Please join me on your mat.


Nina G


Quiet Corners of the Ordinary


News & Notes - July 2023