Just 60 Minutes

Hello my friends!

I remember when I first fell in love with yoga. I had some yoga DVDs that I enjoyed, but I thought that I wanted to try yoga ‘for real’. I knew that I wasn’t super flexible and I didn’t have any stylish yoga clothes, but I wanted to try a class with a live teacher.

I started attending a Stress Relief class on Wednesday nights. It was a small class – maybe just three people when I joined. We stretched and breathed for 60 minutes and it was magical.

I was hooked.

It was an hour each week that I didn’t spend worrying. It was one hour that all of the stuff that I had on my to-do list was tabled. I had 60 minutes to just be. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t bend over and touch my toes or do a handstand. What mattered was that I was there, fully present. My breath, my movement, my sensations.

It was amazing.

Every Wednesday evening when I got back home, my husband would ask how it was and my answer was always “GREAT!” Every time. Every Wednesday. Week after week, month after month.

I started to explore more classes. I went twice a week or maybe even three times each week. The more I practiced, the better I felt. Each time there was that same effect. That same wonderful feeling.

That’s when I knew that I needed to share this great feeling with others. We all can feel this way! That’s what made me decide to become a yoga teacher. I want to spread the word to everyone.

So here I am. I’m sending this note out to you to let you know that it doesn’t take a huge commitment. You don’t have to be super bendy or wear trendy leggings. We can all become more embodied, more mindful, and feel more human. We can all practice yoga.

Just try it for 60 minutes each week.

For those of you that already practice with me - thank you. I hope that the time that we spend together makes you feel GREAT as well!

In related news, I just renewed my annual Zoom subscription, so I hope to continue practicing yoga with you on Zoom for another year. Our little community has expanded slowly and I am always to overjoyed to see my friends log in for class. Feel free to invite some new friends as well – the first class is always free!

Join me on your mat - it's just 60 minutes.

Love & yoga,

Nina G


News & Notes - July 2023


Interdependence Day