Interdependence Day

Hello my friends,

If we succeed it will not be because of what we have, but it will be because of what we are; not because of what we own, but rather because of what we believe.
— Lyndon B. Johnson

I found this great quote by LBJ from his Inaugural Address in January, 1965. It just screams yoga to me.

It’s been an interesting week. I spent lots of time on my new favorite website ( tracking air quality in the area. It put a damper on events outside. The good news is that we’re trending in the right direction this weekend. Hooray!

Given these current environmental challenges – air quality issues due to forest fires in Canada – once again we are reminded that we are all connected here on this earth. Political borders mean nothing to smoke.

That’s where the quote from LBJ comes in. If we are going to figure out these climate issues - any issues really - we need to work together with all countries, all people. Having more power or a bigger economy doesn’t matter. What matters is our willingness to work together globally, to see the big picture, and to strive for the greater good of ALL humanity.

It's yoga.

Each time that we step on the mat, we learn more about who we are and what we believe. Our efforts each week remind us of the connection to our best selves and to each other. We celebrate our independence and interdependence.

Then we act. We take right action for us. A kind word, a smile, a simple courtesy - something straightforward can make difference and make larger ripples in our community.

It’s yoga.

Enjoy your celebrations on Monday and Tuesday. Join me on your mat on Wednesday. Let’s practice together.

Let's change the world with our yoga.


Nina G


Just 60 Minutes


Yoga & The Senses