I Speak for the Trees!

Hello friends!

You may recognize the subject line from the children’s book The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. We celebrated Earth Day yesterday and that quote came to my mind.

Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. It helped to bring awareness to environmental issues facing our country. In 1990 Earth Day expanded and became a global campaign. To this day, Earth Day celebrations remind all of us that we have a responsibility to our shared home.

What does Earth Day have to do with our yoga practice? Each time that we step onto our yoga mats we work to foster connections. We connect the mind, the body, and the breath. We connect to the earth beneath us. We strive to connect with the higher self. Perhaps we are able to view ourselves as a part of a larger community: connected to each other, working together, supporting one another.

In our current world, there seems to be a lot of separation – the politics of the environment can be divisive. As yogis, we know that we’re connected and interconnected. We rely on the earth for food to eat and air to breathe. In return, we must be good stewards of our environment.

Our current problems can’t be fixed overnight. We need to figure out ways to heal our planet so that it can support us and future generations as well. We can make small movements forward. Just like everything else that we do in our practice, we can take the right action that is appropriate for each one of us and send those small, positive ripples of change out into our community.

We are intricately interwoven into the fabric of our universe. When we speak for the trees, we speak for all of us.

Please join me on your mat.

Love & love,

Nina G


The Lego Universe


News & Notes - April 2023