The Lego Universe

Hello friends!

Another fun fact about me…I love building Lego sets. I like the order, the precision, and the beauty of the process. It's fun! My husband and I are currently building a jazz club of about 3,000 pieces.

The important thing to know is that all of the Lego construction sets are incredible feats of engineering. Each brick is built to a meticulous standard – everything interlocks as it is supposed to. The instructions are always accurate. If the box says that there are 2,899 pieces in your set, you’ll get those 2,899 pieces and a few extra small ones in case you drop a tiny one and it bounces into the vent (it happens!).

So many pieces!

Each one of those 2,899 pieces has a role to play in the overall design. Some are big, construction-critical blocks that keep the entire structure standing. Others are part of the story – the tiny cymbal in the drum set, for instance. Each piece could fit with any other piece – no problem. We could build something else with the bricks if we wanted to - it’s all Lego - but when we assemble them in this one, special way, it’s magic!

All the cool details

I feel that way about my yoga too. There are lots of pieces to the puzzle. There are poses and breathwork and self-awareness (construction-critical pieces). There’s focus and intention and mudra and mantra (additional parts of the story). Each one has a role to play. And they can all fit together – it’s all yoga. But when we assemble them in an effective yoga practice, it can feel like magic is happening.

The good news is that there isn’t only one special way to assemble the parts of our yoga practice. The instruction manual would be infinite! There are many permutations that can serve us. Take what you need for you. In some weeks we focus on core work and balancing and in other weeks we focus on the idea of light. The fun is in showing up for your practice and exploring.

Join me on your mat and let’s build something together!

Love & Lego,

Nina G


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