How can I possibly…

Hello dear friends,

I love my workspace. You may remember that I call my office/yoga room The Treehouse. I think it's obvious why. Here's the view out my window RIGHT NOW as I write this newsletter (I get started on Friday...)

View from the Treehouse

The question is:

How can I possibly write a newsletter while this tree is shining at me in all its glory?

I'm a little bit distracted.

I moved to my mat, thinking, okay, skip the newsletter, work on the yoga sequences.

Nope, same view, same question.

How can I possibly practice yoga while this tree is changing to gold?

Can't do it. And I won't turn away. I think that I'm supposed to sit here and be with the tree and watch as those leaves shift in the wind and the sun. Right now, I need to revel in the beauty that is literally just a few feet away from me. This tree will look different tomorrow - some of the leaves will fall, the colors will begin to fade to brown.

In this moment, with the sun exactly as it is, I need to keep my eyes on the tree.

And that is the yoga that I will practice today.

And that is the newsletter that I am sending.

Perhaps you could possibly find a tree to gaze upon as well!

All my love,

Nina G


News & Notes - November 2022


Inner Calm