Flexibility in Yoga


Hello my friends!

The first thing I do every morning is practice yoga. I just feel my mat calling to me in my room upstairs. When it calls, I answer! Some mornings I’m on my mat for an hour, some mornings it’s just 20 minutes, but I’m always on the mat before I do anything else. When I can’t get to my mat because I’m traveling, my body feels different. I know that the yoga serves me well. I love practicing yoga in the morning. Later in the day I usually go for a long walk. Those two activities have saved my sanity during the pandemic.

This past Thursday morning I woke up early and saw the weather warning about the heavy fog. I decided to ignore the call of my mat and to go outside for my daily walk early, while it was foggy, before it burned off.

Game time decision and I don’t regret it.

It was wild to see the fog resting on the fields of Maine Park and the nature center. The sun was trying to burn through, but couldn’t. When I got to the neighborhood streets, they were enveloped in fog as well. I really couldn’t see much past a half a block away. When I finished my walk, about an hour later, the fog had burned off and the outside looked like it normally does.

It was beautiful.

It was yoga even though I wasn't on my mat. I was fully present as I watched the scenery around me reveal itself. I spent some time on my mat once I returned home, but I made the decision to forego my usual routine that morning and I’m glad that I did.

This week our yoga practice focuses on flexibility. Not the flexibility of bringing our ankles behind our ears or turning ourselves into pretzels. Instead, we will focus on the flexibility of our approach to our practice. What happens when we come to our mat with a different mindset? How will our practice change when we look at it with new eyes? Can we be comfortable with taking that early morning walk to see the fog?

Join me and we’ll explore these ideas together.

More News and Info:

Thanks for checking out my new website, Yoga with Nina G. I appreciate your feedback.

Monday afternoon (4:00 pm) Zoom class is returning on Monday, September 13. I hope that the teachers in this group (and anyone else that wants to!) can join me.

Interested in joining me live? I have a small class beginning on Monday, September 13 at noon in Niles. Click here for more info.

Monday, August 23 - 8:15 am - Slow Flow with Nina G (The link will be out later this evening.)

Wednesday, August 25 - 7:30 pm - Movement & Stillness

Chair Yoga Video - Footloose (This video is a great warm up for your feet and ankles before you go for a walk.)

Always love,

Nina G


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