Changing Times

Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.
- Times are changed; we also are changed with them.
— Proverb

Hello dear friends,

Do you believe it? November is tomorrow. I keep feeling like I’m stuck in amber, unable to move forward at all and then I realize that we’re hurtling towards the end of the year. How is it possible to feel stuck and moving out of control at the same time? These times are strange.

In the meantime, there is so much to news to share. Here’s what’s happening over the next few weeks as we begin our race towards 2022.

In November our focus will be on Love & Gratitude. Gratitude is always a big part of my practice, especially as we enter this season of Thanksgiving. In addition to that, we have a family wedding in 2 weeks (!) so we will celebrate love as well. After the wedding, I’ll take the week of November 15th off. Don’t forget that you have access to the videos from our Yoga-versary celebration. You can still practice yoga.

I’ll be back the week of November 22 and we will definitely have class on the Wednesday night (November 24th) before Thanksgiving. Please take the time to join me. Friends or family are always welcome to join us too!

In December we will turn our focus to deep rest and relaxation. My experience as a yoga teacher has been that no one comes to yoga class in December even though we all complain that we are stressed out. It’s tough, I know. Please be kind to yourself and join me for classes that will explore ways to allow the body to rest and restore. It’s important to give our bodies, and our nervous systems, the chance to recover from external stressors. Let’s make sure that we take the time to do that.

I will be sharing the holidays with family, so there will be no classes the weeks of December 20th and 27th. Don’t forget that you have access to the videos from our Yoga-versary celebration. You can still practice yoga. (sounds familiar…)

We’ll be back at it on January 3rd!

Lots to share. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you of changes as the dates get closer.

Times are always changing. My yoga practice helps me through these transitions with grace, ease, and awareness. It is my hope that it serves you as well.

With love and gratitude,

Nina G


Linger in Gratitude


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