Linger in Gratitude

Hello dear friends,

I was back at the Arboretum this week. Friday was gorgeous - it was cold in the morning, but sunny and beautiful. I bundled up, we got there early, and we walked the loop that we always do. This spot spoke to me. It beckoned me to take notice.

So I did.

Last week, when we turned the calendar page over to November, I told you how my class focus in November turns to gratitude. Having Thanksgiving on the calendar at the end of the month is a nice excuse to practice our gratitude. There's never a bad time to be grateful, November is a nice reminder for all of us.

When we can take the time to practice gratitude, it allows us to leave the mind and move into the heart. We stop 'thinking' about those things for which we are grateful and we begin feeling them. And maybe, just maybe, it gives us a better understanding of our connection and interdependence on each other and the natural world as well.

The trees at the arboretum are glorious this time of the year. If I had gone on an overcast day, perhaps I wouldn't have felt that same pull. It was the connection of the sun, the shadows, the leaves, that bench, and the path ahead that gave me pause. I'm glad that I was there and that I was a part of that connection.

I'm thankful.

Take a moment in your week ahead to find your own connection. It might be while on your yoga mat or it might be when you're outside. Don't overthink it, just connect. Let the feeling wash over you like the sunshine on a crisp day. And then stay with that feeling.

Linger in gratitude.


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