Supply Chain?

If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Hello dear friends,

As you know, I’m always looking around for signs from the universe about what to say in my newsletter and what to teach in my yoga classes. Of course, the only thing that’s been in the news for the past 2 weeks is supply chain. That’s all I hear about. Supply Chain. I’m sorry, that eyeliner you want isn’t available: supply chain. Order all of your Christmas gifts early: supply chain. You won’t be able to replace that washing machine for months: supply chain. Can’t find shoes for your daughter’s wedding? You guessed it, supply chain.

Not exactly the sign I was looking for. It’s hard to write a yoga newsletter about economics.

I went out for a walk instead. Friday was a gorgeous, crisp day and it was great to be outside. I started moving and as I was walking, I passed those two beautiful leaves that you see in the photo above. I saw their beauty and I walked right by them.

Then I turned around and went back and picked them up off the ground.

They really are amazing - the color, the symmetry, the grace. The photo does not do them justice. Their presence on sidewalk in front of me was exactly what I needed to see and it is exactly why I needed to turn around and look again.

And then I realized that there was my newsletter.

Yep, everything is delayed and backlogs abound – supply chain issues are real. There’s absolutely nothing that I can do to solve them though. And railing at the wind doesn’t seem to fix anything. Supply chain issues? I just have to be patient and wait. In the meantime, there's some incredible beauty in the world. I have seen it. I just need to turn around and look again.

Those two leaves stopped me in my tracks. They forced me to focus and slow down. They allowed me to see the wonder right in front of me. I could let go of worry about supply chain and revel in the beauty of the present moment.

One of my favorite Fall activities is something I call “kicking the leaves”. I love to go outside in the park and walk through the leaves, kicking them as I go. It is invigorating and energizing. I find it very relaxing. But I haven’t been able to go out and do it yet this October. As I understand it, we’re a little bit behind on the leaves changing color and falling this year. Here in Chicagoland we’re experiencing warmer and drier weather than usual, so everything is mostly green and very few leaves have fallen. Luckily for me, I happened on those two beauties in the photo. I wouldn't have seen them if all of the other leaves had fallen though. I was fortunate, but I'll have to be patient and wait a little bit longer for serious leaf kicking.

Sounds like a supply chain issue to me!

Our classes this week take a playful look at yoga. We’ll do some spooky Halloween yoga - having some fun while releasing tension and anxiety.

Please join me on your mat.


Changing Times


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