Giving & Receiving

Hello my friends,

I visited the Morton Arboretum again this past weekend and finally saw all of the pieces of the new exhibit Human+Nature by Daniel Popper. The sculpture below was my absolute favorite. Just those two hands reaching forward...ready to help, ready to receive, ready to offer support. I love those hands.


In my work this week I've been reviewing lots of the training materials that I have from the past 18 months. I came across the following notation:

There are so many blessings all around us - we put up umbrellas of distraction, of busy-ness, of ego. We need to fold away the umbrella and revel in the blessings. - Kristine Weber

Yep, I need to fold up my umbrella. Lose the busy-ness, lose the distraction, and notice the grace around me. I need to be open to those blessings of wisdom, awe, knowledge, and insight. I will open my hands to be ready to receive them. I want to share those same gifts with everyone I know. My hands are reaching forward to share with you.

We often use that mudra (symbol with our hands) of open hands in our practice. That sense of both giving and receiving is important in what we do. Doing something for you makes me feel good, but until I can receive and allow you that same good feeling, it's not balanced. The umbrella is still open.

We'll use this imagery in our practice this week. Receiving these gifts and sharing them as well. We fold up the umbrella and let the gifts rain down!

Please join me.

Monday, July 19 - 8:15 am - Slow Flow with Nina G (The link will be out soon!)

Wednesday, July 21 - 7:30 pm - Movement and Stillness

Chair Yoga - Forward


Nina G


Calming Breath

