Yoga of Awe

Hello friends,

I've been exploring the idea of awe.

What is awe? It is wonder, mystery, and joy. It is unexpected and indescribable.

And of course, the more that I try to grasp awe, the more that I try to define it, the less I actually understand. But I know that we all need awe in our lives. That feeling of awe connects us to something much larger than ourselves. The more time that we spend in awe, the more that we feel connected.

Awe demands our presence.

But how can we get there?

We cannot ‘stand in awe’ of anything unless we are truly present in the current moment. It is that presence that connects us and it is that presence that allows us to be an integral part of that which is so much grander than we are.

I’ve experienced moments of profound awe, whether in nature, at a musical performance, or with others. And while I would love to remain there and revel in those experiences, distractions often lead me away from awe.

Awe demands our presence.

And that leads us right back to our mat. What is the yoga of awe? It is the practice of presence. It is tuning into the breath and noticing its variations and fluctuations as we shift between poses. It is exploring the sensations throughout the body and welcoming them. It is becoming aware of the power that we have to move and change. We can practice this every time that we step on our mat.

The yoga of awe teaches us ways to find wonder. What happens once class is over and we step off the mat? Opportunities for awe surround us daily. We might distract ourselves with busyness and trivial matters. Our mindful yoga practice teaches us to put down the phone, tune out the background noise, and connect to the infinite.

Once we get a glimpse of the awe around us and notice how it changes our everyday life, we become hungry for more. Yoga teaches us how to remain in the moment and engage with the infinite again.

Awe demands our presence.

Please join me on your mat.

Love & awe,

Nina G


Yoga of Awe - Part II


Welcome Autumn!