Welcome Autumn!

Hi friends!

It's fall - we passed the autumn equinox on Saturday. The leaves haven't really started to change colors here, but when I go for a walk, the sidewalks are covered in acorns. I hear them landing on the roofs of the homes and cars around me. The empty caps make a lovely crunching sound underneath my feet. Right now, the squirrels are so fat and happy!

A happy squirrel with lots of acorns!

And while that may sound like poetry, I found a much better poem by Mary Oliver. Enjoy!


the black oaks fling
their bronze fruit
into all the pockets of the earth
pock pock

they knock against the thresholds
the roof the sidewalk
fill the eaves
the bottom line

of the old gold song
of the almost finished year
what is spring all that tender
green stuff

compared to this
falling of tiny oak trees
out of the oak trees
then the clouds

gathering thick along the west
then advancing
then closing over
breaking open

the silence
then the rain
dashing its silver seeds
against the house
— Mary Oliver

​Love & oak trees,

Nina G

PS For my pals that read last week's newsletter about the flamingos, here's an update from this past Friday. Our long-legged pink friends were spotted in Wisconsin of all places!


Yoga of Awe


A Flamboyance of Flamingos