Wild Yellow Song


What must it feel like
after months of existing
as bare brown sticks,
all reasonable hope
of blossoming lost,
to suddenly, one warm
April morning, burst
into wild yellow song,
hundreds of tiny prayer
flags rippling in the still
cold wind, the only flash
of color in the dull yard,
these small scraps of light,
something we might
hold on to.
— Barbara Crooker

Hello friends,

There has been so much wind and rain and now everything is ready to bloom! There is a riot of color outside and the forsythia is bursting with its golden light.

We celebrate Earth Day tomorrow and April is also Poetry month, so what better way to acknowledge both of these events than with the above poem about the forsythia!

Our practice this week will be grounding and intentional. We will focus on our connection to the earth and the strength and support that we can draw from it.

Hopefully, our time on the mat will shift us away from feeling like bare brown sticks. Let's bring some motion and awareness into the body so that we might want to burst into wild yellow song.

Love & forsythia,

Nina G

PS Wishing a Joyous Passover to my friends who are celebrating this week!


Hands & Heart


News & Notes - April 2024