What’s In Your Pocket?

Hello friends,

I always like to wear clothes with pockets. I think we all do! Not a lot of yoga pants have pockets, but I keep looking for more. (NB - My daughter's wedding dress had pockets - that's what sold her!) My pockets might have a tissue, a piece of candy, a grocery list, or maybe a penny.

The cool thing about pockets is that when you buy a new pair of pants or a dress or a sweater or jacket, YOU are the one that puts the stuff in the pockets! My pockets - my treasure. How much fun it is to find a five dollar bill inside a pocket. More often than not though, it's the lucky penny that I found on the sidewalk.

Another important thing to note about pockets is that you should probably empty them before putting that garment in the washing machine. My husband is quite tired of finding the single tissue that was in my pocket now wrapped around a whole load of laundry. Five dollar bills and lucky pennies hold up just fine in the washer though!

I found another poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer this week (the same poet as last week's tulip poem). It is charming and it mentions pockets. Take a moment to enjoy it and I'll meet you when you've finished reading!

Hope has holes
in its pockets.
It leaves little
crumb trails
so that we,
when anxious,
can follow it.
Hope’s secret:
it doesn’t know
the destination –
it knows only
that all roads
begin with one
foot in front
of the other.
— Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

I'm glad that Hope's pockets have holes in them. Let's look for those little crumb trails of hope this week. And when we follow them and pick them up and put them in our pockets, let's hold on to them. The next time you reach your hand into your pocket, you'll find a treasure. Hold onto it. Keep it in your pocket forever.

Crumbs of hope hold up just fine in the washing machine.

Please join me on your mat.

With love and hope,

Nina G


News & Notes - May, 2022


The Kindness of Tulips