News & Notes - May, 2022

Hello my friends!

I hope that you had a lovely weekend. Just a few updates for this month.

1. There's a new chair yoga video available for you - Smoothing Out the Rough Edges. We use our breath to bring a greater sense of calm to the nervous system. Give it a try!

2. There will be no classes on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30. Enjoy the long weekend!

3. The forsythia have been slow to bloom this spring, but they are riotous now! Perhaps there are some where you are? If yes, go out and enjoy them. If no, here's a photo of some bushes near me.

I found a cool poem about forsythia as well...

What must it feel like
after months of existing
as bare brown sticks,
all reasonable hope
of blossoming lost,
to suddenly, one warm
April morning, burst
into wild yellow song,
hundreds of tiny prayer
flags rippling in the still-
cold wind, the only flash
of color in the dull yard,
these small scraps of light,
something we might
hold on to.
— Barbara Crooker

Let's not lose hope of blossoming despite delays.

Please join me on your mat.


Nina G


I’m Keeping Track of Time…


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