We the People

Hey friends,

Those framers of the Constitution weren’t stupid. They came up with a pretty good idea and it has lasted a few hundred years. This experiment in democracy is constantly changing and evolving to reflect our times. It’s fair to say that some of the changes have been better than others. But the way that they wrote it allows us room for growth.

And so, we celebrate this weekend.

In my experience as a yoga teacher, I have had many, many students come to me after a class and say, “How did you know that I needed that class today?” or “How did you know that I was holding so much tension in my shoulders/hips/etc.?” or “Wow! That was exactly what my body needed, how did you know that?”

My response is usually a laugh and then I say, “It’s all about me!”

And while that may seem glib, it is true. I think about what’s happening in the world around me, I take the time to evaluate what I need and how I want to feel. Then I work to plan a class that will serve those needs.

Guess what? Those areas that I identify for myself are often the same thing that you need.

It’s no coincidence that it works. We are all having this shared experience of life here in the United States on planet Earth. We are all connected here. We’re connected to each other and we’re connected to the planet as well. It’s an intricate lattice-work of interdependence.

So, when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the news or the extreme weather or pandemic concerns, I’m looking for a yoga practice that can get me back on track. I want something to help me build my resilience and return to a sense of calm. My guess is that you want/need that same solution too. We are more alike than we are different.

We the People. No matter our education, our history, our dreams, our beliefs, we are not in this by ourselves. We are living together here in this place. We are experiencing the highs and lows of living in this nation, on this planet, at this time. As we acknowledge that shared experience and see our similarities as more important than our differences, we really can become We the People.

And so, we celebrate this weekend.


Love and love and love,

Nina G


News & Notes - July, 2022


Concert Time Machine