There is Work to be Done

There is work to be done.
There is art to be made.
There is beauty to be cherished.
There are people to care for.
There is justice to fight for.
There is rest needed sometimes, too.
All of these things.
Pick a couple you can manage, today.
— Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg

Hello dear friends,

I love the poetry at the top of this newsletter. There is so much work to be done. There are so many things that we can do to make this world a better place. This is the work of being human. It is endless and it is hopeful and it is important.

We don't have to do it all at once. And we certainly can't do it on an empty tank.

That's where the rest comes in - the rest and rejuvenation that we can find on our yoga mat.

Our mindful movement and breathing practices help to refuel our beings with a sense of ease and grace. They help us to build our resilience. We have an opportunity to put aside our to-do lists and step away from the busyness of daily life. We can get to know ourselves better and we can better prioritize the work ahead of us.

There will always be work that needs to be done, art that needs to be made, beauty cherished, people cared for, and justice fought for. We don't need to be overwhelmed by it because we have remembered to replenish the body with the rest it needs.

Please join me on your mat. We can do this work together.


Nina G


This is TRUE


News & Notes - February 2023