The Yoga of Summer

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine. – Anne Bronte

Dear friends,

We are headed into the season of such bounty! I took that photo of the cornfield just bursting at the seams. The farmers' markets are full of all kinds of wonderful, super-fresh produce. Nature is not only laughing in the sunshine, she's also telling us that now is the time to enjoy!

Let’s do just that. Find your favorite fruit or vegetable and indulge. Try something new or stick with what you love. Breathe in the freshness. Taste summer.

This is yoga too. Our first yoga sutra says: “Now begins the practice of yoga.” When we're present in the now, we are practicing yoga. As we inhale the aroma and then bite into the fresh produce, we’re using two senses that we don’t often get to use on our mats. Take your time and enjoy this exploration of taste and smell.

Let's be fully aware in this moment. Let's breathe in the smell of sunshine and let the juices drip down our chins. Let's enjoy this experience and all that it has to offer.

Let's practice the yoga of summer.

When you've finished enjoying your treat, please join me on your mat!

Love & sweet corn,

Nina G


Take the Shortcut?


News & Notes - August 2023