News & Notes - August 2023

Hello friends!

Here's what's happening:

NEW CHAIR YOGA VIDEO - There's a new chair video out there today - Tune In. We tune into sensations in the body as we stretch and breathe our way across the midline. Give it a try!

PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD - I'm offering another program at The Well in LaGrange Park this fall. It's all about the feet! We will meet on two Tuesday afternoons - September 26th and October 10th - and learn about the feet and how our yoga practice can support their well-being. Our sessions will include lecture and practice. Students can join me in person at The Well or via Zoom. Click here for more information.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGE - There will be no classes on Monday, September 4th. Enjoy the long Labor Day weekend!

One final note - my husband and I honeymooned on Maui a long time ago. We fell in love with the island then and have visited a few times since. The wildfire devastation there is mind-numbing. As yogis, we can take right action. Do what you can do to help. Whether it's thoughts and prayers, donations to support services, or political action regarding climate initiatives, please act. Our small acts make a difference.

Maui no ka 'oi - Maui is the best!

Love & kindness,

Nina G


The Yoga of Summer


A Ferris Wheel Moment of Awe