The Yoga of November

Hello dear friends,

Welcome November! It got a lot cooler this weekend, so as part of my yoga of November, I'm pulling out my warm sweaters now!

Here are some other ways that we can practice yoga in November:

The Yoga of Right Action - There's a big election on Tuesday and as connected citizens in our local community, our state, and our nation, we vote. Take the time to learn about the issues at every level and cast your vote accordingly.

The Yoga of the Sun - We all had an extra hour of sleep last night due to the time change. The northern hemisphere is tilting away from the sun and our daylight hours are getting shorter. Let's try some sunshine yoga - wake up with the sun; spend time outdoors as the weather permits; treasure those fleeting moments of sunshine!

The Yoga of Falling Leaves - The leaves are making their annual trek down to the earth. They offer no pretense - they fall when it is time. They aren't afraid to let go of the tree either. They just dance! Perhaps we could learn from them and enjoy the freedom that comes from letting go.

I found this great poem called the lesson of the falling leaves

the leaves believe
such letting go is love
such love is faith
such faith is grace
such grace is god
i agree with the leaves
— Lucille Clifton

With that, enjoy the week ahead and your practice of the Yoga of November.

Love & leaves,

Nina G


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