News & Notes - November 2024
Dear friends,
Here's the news for this month:
NEW VIDEO - There's a new Chair Yoga video on my YouTube Channel - Align the Spine. We follow the vertebrae from the sacrum into the skull and back down again. Give it a try!
UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGES - There will be no class on Wednesday evening, November 27th (Thanksgiving Eve). I'll remind you as we get closer.
In other news, I might have jury duty on Monday, November 18th. I am on standby, so I won't know for sure until this Friday evening. Look for an update in next week's newsletter.
OUR YOGA - We celebrate Thanksgiving later this month - let's continue to practice our yoga of right action within the greater community. What's the right action for you? It might be any number of activities, including making a donation to a food bank, or helping at a food pantry. It might be a kind word, a smile, or a simple courtesy. You know what's appropriate for you.
Without a doubt, these small steps will send out ripples of love into our world - love that is so desperately needed at this time.
Love & yoga,
Nina G