The Yoga of May
Hello my friends!
There is a lushness outside my treehouse window. With all of the rain, everything is now rich and green! When I go out walking, there are more people out. Our days are lengthening so that I can even go for a long walk after dinner now.
That must mean that it’s time to explore the Yoga of May.
The yoga of moderation and awareness – Now that we can move to the outside, there’s so much to do - cleaning the deck or patio, planting flowers, bringing our outdoor spaces to life. But let's move mindfully and not cause harm to ourselves - just like when we practice yoga. We want to be able to enjoy ourselves after the work is complete and not have to spend lots of time in recovery.
The yoga of the olfactory – Walking outside is an amazing amalgam of smells. There’s the smell of damp after the rain. There are lilacs - so many lilacs! - that I can smell from so far away. Things smell new and clean and fresh. There’s also the smell of mulch as people begin readying their gardens. It’s a wonderful way to wake up the senses.
The yoga of sound - While we're focused on the senses, let's pause and listen. I spent some time at the Arboretum this weekend. There is a riot of sound right now. The birds are singing, there's rustling in the bushes as the bunnies, chipmunks, and squirrels seek shelter. You can hear the wind in the trees and the hum of the mosquitos and gnats. And that leads us into...
The yoga of cicadas – Those of us in the Midwest know that we’re about to have a cicada-pocalypse. This is my 3rd experience with the biblical swarms - not a big fan. However, there’s lots that we can learn from these large flying creatures too. Cicadas have a very short time here on the earth. They spend that time emerging, singing, mating, and laying eggs. By the time we turn the calendar page to July, the party will be over for the next 17 years. I think we can say that they act with purpose and intention. Not a bad combination!
Grab your mat or chair and join me for some yoga.
Love & yoga,
Nina G