Stillness in Motion

Dear friends,

I’m back in the Midwest and ready for some yoga! I hope that you are too.

I visited the Arboretum again over the weekend. In addition to the trees, we saw the new exhibit called Of the Earth by Olga Ziemska. Ziemska’s philosophy is that we are nature. Humans and nature are made of the same elements. There is no separation.

Stillness in Motion - Olga Ziemska

Here’s a photo of my favorite sculpture. It’s called Stillness in Motion. To me, it looks like she's positively buzzing. There's so much happening here with all of the sticks.

No separation!! Human AND Nature!

But when you change your perspective and look at the sculpture straight ahead, you can see the stillness.

Yep, motion and stillness, human and nature. The duality of it all is fun to explore and it's our duty to explore it. Ziemska does it in her art.

We can do it on our mat.

Please join me.


Nina G


News & Notes - June 2023


Moving Towards Better