News & Notes - June 2023

Hello my friends!

Here's the latest news...

NEW CHAIR YOGA VIDEO - There's a new chair yoga video out today - Head & Neck. We explore motion and sensation in the head and neck. Give it a try. Share it with your friends!

SUMMER SOLSTICE - The summer solstice happens on Wednesday. Enjoy those extra moments of daylight as we welcome the season. I am hearing the frogs croaking in the park behind my house - they have so much to say! I often just have to stop and listen to their cacophony.

SUMMER SCHEDULE - The 4:15 pm CT class on Mondays will continue throughout the summer. Please join me after a day at the beach or the pool!

Where summer settles best is in the soul. In the part of you that remembers not to worry for the moment. To soothe the long ragged edges. To breathe.
— Barbara Mahany

Let's allow summer to settle in our souls this week.

Join me on your mat and we can breathe together.


Nina G


Yoga & The Senses


Stillness in Motion