Spring Cleaning

NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team

Hi friends!

The photo above is that of a Wolf-Rayet star. It’s an amazing photo taken by the James Webb Telescope and it shows a star just as it is about to go supernova.

As I understand it, the star casts off outer layers of gas which cool and become the cosmic stardust that the Webb telescope can detect. Scientists study the stardust and the remaining core that is left behind. They can learn about the universe and its beginnings from the information they garner there.

I really love this picture. It's a fantastic photo of transformation.

Down here on Earth, we’re back at the spring equinox tomorrow. It, too, is a time of transformation. In the northern hemisphere, we will see more light, more green, and more growth as we move into Spring. New life rests just beneath the surface. The earth has been dormant and preparing.

So have we.

As the light changes, we might do some spring cleaning. (I certainly see a lot more dust in this light!) We could prepare the garden for planting, removing layers of old leaves and grass. I find it hopeful to put away the things I no longer need and get ready for longer days and more time spent outside.

And we're also continuing our yoga practice. We can do some spring cleaning there as well. We can release those feelings that don't serve us (anger, fear, etc.) and connect to the love, hope, and optimism that reside within. That love is transformative and ever so powerful.

Let’s shake off the dust and begin.


Nina G


Despite the Forecast


News & Notes - March, 2023