News & Notes - March, 2023

Hello my friends!

Here's what you need to know this month...

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - Yep, it's back and that one hour loss can be brutal! Our practice this week will help us to feel grounded, fluid, and (hopefully) rejuvenated. Feel free to join me BRIGHT AND EARLY on Monday morning at 8:30. Too early? Join us at 4:15 instead!

NEW CHAIR YOGA VIDEO - There's a new chair yoga video available today - Return to Center. We explore those ideas of symmetry and asymmetry in the body. Give it a try!

SCHEDULE CHANGE - There will be no classes on Monday, March 20. I'm headed to Asheville, NC, for a yoga retreat. The title of the retreat is The Neuroscience of Yoga and Love. It's right up my alley! I'm excited to learn more yoga that I can share with you.

Yoga & love,

Nina G


Spring Cleaning


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