Quiet Breath

To Be Quiet and Still is a Special Thing.
— Tomie dePaola - Quiet

Hi friends!

I love the opportunity to be quiet and still on my yoga mat. It gives me an opportunity to connect and to just be. I spend time with my breath, with my body, with my thoughts, and with my true self.

The breath fascinates me. Our breath is the one system that is autonomic (happens without us thinking about it) and also able to be controlled by us. Even when we aren’t being mindful about our breath, we’re still breathing. But when we do take the time to be mindful of the breath, we tap into that network of possibility and growth. Yoga is a wonderful way to connect the breath, the body, and the present moment.

Another interesting concept about the breath is that we can’t ‘get ahead’ on the breathing. We can’t stockpile extra breaths today and then skip breathing tomorrow. That doesn’t make sense! We can’t do lots of deep inhales during yoga and save the exhales for something else. We have to keep breathing that same inhale-exhale pattern 24/7/365.

It’s not boring. It’s vital and life-giving.

We breathe to stay alive. We breathe mindfully to experience all that life has to offer in each breath.

It can be hard to find the quiet and stillness in our busy lives. There are many distractions and there is a lot of noise out there. To be quiet and still is a choice we can make. When we find the quiet, we can connect to the breath. When we find the breath, the quiet has a chance to expand.

Join me in the quiet and stillness on your mat.


Nina G

Upcoming schedule changes:

No yoga on Monday, September 5th Labor Day.


News & Notes - September, 2022


To Infinity & Beyond!