Peace Apples
Hi friends!
I attended a library program on Thursday night - The Chinese Art of Papercutting. Based on the blurb, I thought I'd be creating something like this...
However, when you consider that I'd be putting my kindergarten level scissoring skills to the test, this is what I created instead...
These are peace apples.
The point of the class wasn't to teach us to become master cutters, but to learn more about the culture of China through one of its artforms - papercutting. When the Chinese are celebrating the new year or a life event, families come together before the party and create these (and other) symbols from paper. The gathering of family and friends before the party to create the decorations is an important part of their celebration.
The Chinese word for apple starts the same way as the Chinese word for peace. It has a 'pin' sound. So this cut out nestles the Chinese symbol for peace within the apple (it's a pun!). But it also means safety. The peace character is nestled safely and securely within the apple.
Our instructor said that 'peace means to feel nicely protected.'
What a lovely thought!
As soon as she said that, I started to trace and cut out my peace apples. I liked her definition of peace. I wanted a few peace apples in my home. Maybe someday, with loads of practice, my scissoring skills and patience will allow me to make that Chinese market picture. But now that's not important anymore. I can make peace apples. They offer me hope.
I wish you peace, safety, and that feeling of protection.
Love & peace apples,
Nina G