News & Notes - June, 2022

Hello dear friends,

I hope that all is well with you. Here's an update on what's happening this month in yoga.

New Chair Yoga Video! A new video was released this morning. It has repetitive, meditative sequencing to help the body and mind find peace. Click here to try it - Peace in our Thoughts.

Schedule change - The 4:15 Monday class will end on Monday, June 13th. Class will meet on the 13th and then will resume in the fall, when school starts again. The 8:30 am class will continue through the summer. Please join us on Monday mornings!

Be the Light - As I mentioned in my newsletter last week, we will work with this idea of being light throughout the month of June. The days are getting longer and we will reach the longest day of the year later this month (Tuesday, June 21st). Of course, once we reach that day, the days will then begin to get shorter. Let's relish our time building up to this date and then work to extend the power of that light as well. There are so many ways to bring this idea of light into our practice. Grab your mat and let's explore them all!

Please join me on your mat.

Love and peace,

Nina G


Mirror, Mirror


Find the Light